One Good Idea
In September 2019 the children at Tahilla CNS began working on the SEAI One Good Idea Competition. Two teams entered the competition and both progressed to the Regional Finals in the Omniplex Cinema in Cork on Monday the 24th of February.
Both teams created a one-minute film to promote a simple idea which helps save energy and takes climate action. Team ‘Lego Life Savers’ were promoting ‘Walk on Wednesdays’ while Team ‘Climate Change Kids’ were promoting ‘One Hour Free from Power’. Both were super innovative ideas which have been put in place in Tahilla CNS since in an effort to save as much energy as possible.
On the day, the children’s films were displayed on the cinema screen, they delivered a presentation pitch to the audience and were then questioned by a panel of judges. We are delighted to announce that ‘Team Lego Life Savers’ came in second place on the day!

Teacher Artist Partnership
During the Summer Múinteoir Karen completed a summer course about taking part in a Teacher- Artist Partnership. As part of the TAP Múinteoir Karen and artist Silke Michels worked together with the children to create some amazing work! The children enjoy the outdoors so we decided on using some natural materials for our project. The children loved the idea of making mandalas using twigs, leaves and other natural materials from our beautiful school surroundings. We ended up with some wonderful mandalas on individual wooden discs.

Children's Book Awards

Children’s Book Awards- The Senior Room were delighted to get the opportunity to take part in the Junior Juries section of the Children’s Book Awards this year. When we signed up we were sent a selection of the shortlisted titles. We had up until the May 10th to read the books we wanted and to mark them out of 100 points.
As a class we read ‘The Haunted Lake’ by P.J. Lynch and ‘The Boldness of Betty’ by Anna Carey. We were amazed at the artwork in ‘The Haunted Lake’ and we loved the depth of character and excitement in ‘The Boldness of Betty’.
In the meantime, we had the wonderful opportunity to take part in a Zoom call with P.J. Lynch. We got to ask him lots of questions about the book itself, his writing career and his career in illustration. He even helped us to recreate some of the characters.
Once the voting was done the virtual awards ceremony took place on May 25th. We were thrilled that P.J. Lynch won the Honour Award for Illustration. Unfortunately, ‘The Boldness of Betty’ did not win any award. We decided to get in touch with Anna Carey to offer our condolences and pose our many questions to her. We were delighted when she replied with in depth answers to all our questions.