Kerry ETB

Message from Múinteoir Máire

Fáilte go Scoil Tathuile, Scoil Náisiúnta Phobail. Is ónóir dom é a bheith mar phríomhoide ar ár scoil úr nua i gCiarraí, ár scoil álainn tuaithe. It is my pleasure to welcome you to Tahilla Community National School where we are nestled amongst the mountains and the sea, surrounded by tall trees along the Kerry Way.

As principal of Tahilla Community National School I believe in a holistic approach to the education of each individual child. As a teaching principal I get the best of both worlds. While I am managing the day to day running of the school I am also a full time hands on class teacher.

Being a Froebel trained primary school teacher I believe in the child’s innate ability to learn. I promote teaching whereby you take the child’s life experience and link new learning to what they already know. Emphasis is on the importance of play and discovery learning. These methods underpin the Irish Primary Curriculum and are very much in line with the CNS model. My team and I endeavour to bring this type of joyful, active learning to each day at Tahilla CNS.

Throughout my life I have had wonderful opportunities to travel and explore different cultures and ways of life. Music, song and dance and the love of the Irish language have always been a central feature of my life. My many mentors along the way gave me the courage and conviction to win out All-Ireland titles in the Uilleann Pipes and the Tin-Whistle and to perform at International Dance Festivals. In recent years I have taken to the stage in Kenmare and discovered the joy of theatre. My favourite part being that of Shelby in ‘Steel Magnolias’. During the COVID-19 pandemic the importance of the arts and entertainment became very apparent. Everybody has talent and these talents deserve to be given as much attention as academic achievements.

Most importantly, what is a school without the pupils, their parents, their teachers and the whole staff. It is my vision that we as a Community National School will co-create and nurture a culture of openness, trust, and warmth with the wellbeing and inclusion of our children at its heart. Children deserve to be confident in coming to school knowing that any interpersonal issues will be dealt with fairly and in a consistent manner. The wellbeing of both children and staff are crucial to a happy and joyful learning environment.

Máire de Cógáin

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Tahilla Community National School,
Co. Kerry,
V93 D735.

085 8717284

© 2025 Tahilla Community National School