Kerry ETB

Goodness Me, Goodness You! (GMGY)

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Goodness Me, Goodness You! (GMGY) is a multi-belief and values curriculum that has been developed for Community National Schools in collaboration with children, parents and teachers of the schools, the local Education and Training Boards, the Education and Training Board of Ireland, the Department of Education and Skills and assisted by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

The GMGY curriculum makes an important contribution in enabling each child to live their life to the full while exploring their identity and their place in the world. The curriculum enables children to be active citizens in their local and global community, to think critically and imaginatively about the world around them, to share their beliefs and values, and to encounter the beliefs and values of others in a learning environment of enquiry and respect. Through this sharing of experience, the child is enabled to live their life in an atmosphere of respect for and appreciation of diversity.

GMGY recognises parents as the primary educators of their child. It supports this role through encouraging the creation of a respectful and inclusive learning community where children’s beliefs and values are respected and where parental participation is encouraged and valued.

The curriculum recognises the importance of the community in the child’s life and encourages children to become involved in and to contribute to their local community. It is also envisaged that the community would contribute to the education of the child actively and positively through a close relationship with the school.

The GMGY curriculum is divided into 4 strands.


The Goodness Me, Goodness You! Curriculum aims to enable each child in developing:

  • A confident and positive sense of self and group identity, as well as a sense of belonging, while having respect for, and understanding of, the identity and belonging of others.
  • An understanding of their own and other’s values and in doing so develop as an individual and as a social being and contribute to the good of society.
  • Their psychological and emotional wellbeing and a positive outlook through critical, creative, collaborative and caring thinking and participation in philosophical inquiry, dialogue and reflection.
  • An understanding of the diversity of the beliefs that inform their own and other people’s ways of living and respect and appreciate people’s right to express their beliefs.

Click here for full GMGY Curriculum

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Tahilla Community National School,
Co. Kerry,
V93 D735.

085 8717284

© 2025 Tahilla Community National School